Click on MENU to Browse between Subjects...17CS52 - COMPUTER NETWORKS
Answer Script for Module 5
Solved Previous Year Question Paper
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
(Effective from the academic year 2019 -2020)
Subject Code 17CS52
IA Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04
Exam Marks 60
These Questions are being framed for helping the students in the "FINAL Exams" Only
(Remember for Internals the Question Paper is set by your respective teachers).
Questions may be repeated, just to show students how VTU can frame Questions.
▣ The underlying medium is pre-recorded video. For example: a movie.
▣ These pre-recorded videos are placed on servers.
▣ The users send requests to the servers to view the videos on-demand.
▣ Nowadays, many Internet companies provide streaming video. For example: YouTube.
▣ Three key distinguishing features of streaming stored video:
1) Streaming
▩ The client begins video playout within few seconds after it begins receiving the video from the server.
▩ At the same time,
i. The client will be playing out from one location in the video.
ii. The client will be receiving later parts of the video from the server.
▩ This technique avoids having to download the entire video-file before playout begins.
2) Interactivity
▩ The media is pre-recorded, so the user may pause, reposition or fast-forward through video-content.
▩ The response time should be less than a few seconds.
3) Continuous Playout
▩ Once playout of the video begins, it should proceed according to the original timing of the recording.
▩ The data must be received from the server in time for its playout at the client. Otherwise, users experience video-frame skipping (or freezing).
▣ When a browser wants to retrieve a specific video, the CDN intercepts the request.
▣ Then, the CDN
i. determines a suitable server-cluster for the client and
ii. redirects the client's request to the desired server.
▣ Most CDNs take advantage of DNS to intercept and redirect requests.
▣ CDN operation is illustrated in Figure 2.1.

Fig 2.1: DNS redirects a use's request to a CDN server
▣ Suppose a content provider "NetCinema" employs the CDN company "KingCDN" to distribute videos.
▣ Let URL =
▣ Six events occur as shown in Figure 2.1:
i.The user visits the Web page at NetCinema.
ii.The user clicks on the following link:,
▩ Then, the user's host sends a DNS query for "".
iii.The user's local-DNS-server (LDNS) forwards the DNS-query to an authoritative-DNS-server
▩ The server "NetCinema" returns to the LDNS a hostname in the KingCDN's domain.
▩ For example: "".
v.The user's LDNS then sends a second query, now for "".
▩ Eventually, KingCDN's DNS system returns the IP addresses of a "KingCDN" server to LDNS.
vi.The LDNS forwards the IP address of the "KingCDN" server to the user's host.
vii.Finally, the client
a. establishes a TCP connection with the server
b. issues an HTTP GET request for the video.
3.1 Limitations of the Best-Effort IP Service
▣ The Internet's network-layer protocol IP provides best-effort service.
▣ The IP makes best effort to move each datagram from source to destination.
▣ But IP does not guarantee deliver of the packet to the destination.
▣ Three main challenges to the design of real-time applications:
i. Packet-loss
ii. Packet delay and
iii. Packet jitter.
3.1.1 Packet Loss
▣ By default, most existing VoIP applications run over UDP.
▣ The UDP segment is encapsulated in an IP datagram.
▣ The datagram passes through router buffers in the path from sender to receiver
▣ Problem:
▩ There is possibility that one or more buffers are full.
▩ In this case, the arriving IP datagram may be discarded.
▣ Possible solution:
▩ Loss can be eliminated by sending the packets over TCP rather than over UDP.
▩ However, retransmissions are unacceptable for real-time applications, they increase delay.
▩ Packet-loss results in a reduction of sender's transmission-rate, leading to buffer starvation.
3.1.2 End-to-End Delay
▣ End-to-end delay is the sum of following delays:
i. Transmission, processing, and queuing delays in routers.
ii. Propagation delays in links and
iii. Processing delays in end-systems.
▣ For VoIP application,
i. delays smaller than 150 m secs are not perceived by a human listener.
ii. delays between 150 and 400 m secs can be acceptable but are not ideal and
iii. delays exceeding 400 m secs can seriously hinder the interactivity in voice conversations.
▣ Typically, the receiving-side will discard any packets that are delayed more than a certain threshold.
▣ For example: more than 400 m secs.
3.1.3 Packet Jitter
▣ Jitter refers to varying queuing delays that a packet experiences in the network's routers.
▣ If the receiver
i. ignores the presence of jitter and
ii. plays out audio-chunks,
then the resulting audio-quality can easily become unintelligible.
▣ Jitter can often be removed by using sequence numbers, timestamps, and a playout delay
▣Peer to Peer Architecture
Refer 1st Module 1st Question & Answer.
5.1 Policing: The Leaky Bucket
▣ Policing is an important QoS mechanism
▣ Policing means the regulation of the rate at which a flow is allowed to inject packets into the network.
▣ Three important policing criteria:
i. Average Rate
▩ This constraint limits amount of traffic that can be sent into n/w over a long period of time.
ii. Peak Rate
▩ This constraint limits maximum no. of packets that can be sent over a short period of time
iii. Burst Size
▩ This constraint limits the maximum no. of packets that can be sent into n/w over a very short period of time.
5.2 Leaky Bucket Operation
▣ Policing-device can be implemented based on the concept of a leaky bucket.
▣ Tokens are generated periodically at a constant rate.
▣ Tokens are stored in a bucket.
▣ A packet from the buffer can be taken out only if a token in the bucket can be drawn.
▣ If the bucket is full of tokens, additional tokens are discarded.
▣ If the bucket is empty, arriving packets have to wait in the buffer until a sufficient no. of tokens is generated.

Fig 5.1: The leaky bucket policer

Fig 5.2: The leaky bucket policer 2
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