Click on MENU to Browse between Subjects...18CS45 - OBJECT ORIENTED CONCEPTS
Answer Script for Module 1
Solved Previous Year Question Paper
(Effective from the academic year 2018 -2019)
Course Code 18CS45 CIE Marks 40
Number of Contact Hours/Week 3:2:0
SEE Marks 60
Total Number of Contact Hours 50
Exam Hours 03
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Answer Script for Module 1
Solved Previous Year Question Paper
The C++ allows member functions in Structure. The Structures (the struct
keyword) have been redefined to allow member
functions also. Illustrates Below

Program 1.1:
Illustration of C++ allows member functions in structures
First, we must notice that functions have also been defined within the scope of the structure definition.
This means that not
only the member data of the structure can be accessed through the variables
of the structures but also the member functions can be invoked.
The struct
keyword has actually been redefined in C++.
This latter point is illustrated by the main( ) function
in Program 1.1 above. We must make careful note of the way variables of the
structure have been declared and how the member functions have been
Member functions
are invoked in much the same way as member data
accessed, that is, by using the variable-to-member
access operator
In a member function
, one can refer directly to members of
the object for which the member function is invoked. For example, as a
result of the second line of the main( ) function
Program 1.1, it is d1.iFeet
that gets the value of 2
On the other hand, it is d2.iFeet
that gets the value of 3
when the fourth line is invoked. This is explained in
the section on ' this' pointer
that follows shortly.
Each structure variable contains a separate copy of the member data within itself.
However, only one copy of the member function exists. Again, the section on
the ' this'
pointer explains this. However, in the above
example, note that the member data of structure variables can still be
accessed directly.
The following line of code illustrates this
d1.iFeet=2; //legal
Data abstraction
is a virtue
by which an object hides its
internal operations
from the rest of the program
. It makes it unnecessary
for the
client programs to know how the data is internally arranged
in the object
. Thus, it obviates the need for the client
programs to write precautionary code upon creating and while using objects.
Now, in order to understand this concept, let us take an example in C++.
The library programmer, who has designed the Distance class
, wants to ensure that the fInches portion
of an object of the class should never
exceed 12.
If a value larger than 12
specified by an application programmer while calling the Distance::setInches( ) function
, the logic incorporated
within the definition of the function should automatically increment the
value of iFeet
and decrement the value of fInches
by suitable amounts. A modified
definition of the Distance::setInches( )
function is as

Here, we notice that an application programmer need notsend values less than 12
while calling
the Distance::setInches( ) function
. The default logic
within the Distance::setInches( )
function does the necessary
adjustments. This is an example of data abstraction
The above restriction may not appear mandatory
. However,
very soon we will create classes where similar restrictions will be
absolutely necessary (and also complicated).
Similarly, the definition of the Distance::add( )
should also be modified as follows by the library programmer. Here, it can
be assumed that the value of fInches portion
of neither
the invoking object nor the object appearing as formal argument ('dd') can be greater than 12

Now, if we write the statements shown in 2.2, (Enforcing restrictions on
the data members of a class) then the value of d3.fInches
will become 3
(not 15) and the value of d3.iFeet
will become 4
(not 3).
It has already been mentioned that real-world objects never attain an invalid state. They also do not start in an invalid state.
Let us continue with our earlier example-the Distance class
. Recollect that it is the library
programmer's intention to ensure that the value of fInches portion of none
of the objects of the class Distance should exceed 12
. Now, let us consider
Program 2.3.

Program 2.3:
Object gets created with improper values
As you can see, the value of fInches
of ' d1
' is larger than 12
! This happened
because the value of both iFeet
and fInches
automatically got set to junk values when ' d1
' was allocated memory and the junk value is larger than 12
for d1.fInches
. Thus, the
objective of the library programmer to keep the value of fInches less than 12
has not yet been achieved
Distance d1;
d1.setFeet(0); //initialization
d1.setInches(0.0); //initialization
Obviously, the library programmer would like to add a function to the Distance class
that gets called automatically
whenever an object is created and sets the
values of the data members of the object properly. Such a function is the constructor.
Data abstraction
is effective
due to data hiding only.
C++ allows two or more functions
to have the same name
. For this, however, they must have different signatures
. Signature of a function
means the number, type, and sequence of formal arguments
of the
In order to distinguish
amongst the functions
with the same name,
the compiler expects
their signatures to be different
. Depending upon the type of parameters
that are passed
to the
f unction call
, the compiler decides
of the available definitions
will be invoked
For this, function prototypes
should be provided
to the compiler
for matching the function calls
. Accordingly, the linker
during link time
, links
the function call
with the correct function definition
. Program 3.1 clarifies this.

Program 3.1 Function overloading
Just like ordinary functions, the definitions of overloaded functions are also put in libraries. Moreover, the function prototypes are placed in header files.
The two function prototypes at the beginning of the program tell the
compiler the two different ways in which the add( )
function can be called
. When the compiler encounters the two distinct calls to the add( ) function
, it already has
the prototypes to satisfy them both
. Thus, the compilation
phase is completed successfully
. During linking, the
linker finds the two necessary definitions of the add( ) function
and, hence, links successfully to create
the executable file.
The compiler decides
which function is to be called based
upon the number, type, and sequence of parameters that are passed to the
function call. When the compiler encounters the first function call,
It decides that the function that takes two integers as formal arguments is to be executed. Accordingly, the linker then searches for the definition of the add() function where there are two integers as formal arguments.
Similarly, the second call to the add() function y=add(30,40,50); is also handled by the compiler and the linker.
Note the importance of function prototyping
. Since
function prototyping is mandatory in C++,
it is possible
for the compiler to support function overloading properly. The compiler is
able to not only restrict the number of ways in which a function can be
called but also support more than one way in which a function can be called Function overloading
is possible because of the necessity
to prototype functions.
Function overloading
is also known as function polymorphism
because, just like
polymorphism in the real world where an entity exists in more than one
, the same function name carries different meanings.
Function polymorphism
is static in nature because the function definition to be executed is selected
by the compiler during compile time
itself. Thus, an overloaded function is said to exhibit static polymorphism
A class can be a friend of another class
. Member functions
of a friend class
access private data members
of objects of the class of
which it is a friend
. If class B is to be made a friend of
class A, then the statement
friend class B;
should be written within the definition of class A. Program 4.1 illustrates this.

Program 4.1 Declaring friend classes
It does not matter whether the statement declaring class B as a friend is mentioned within the private or the public section of class A. Now, member functions of class B can access the private data members of objects of class A. Program 4.2 exemplifies this

Program 4.2 Effect of declaring a friend class
Friend member functions:
How can we make some specific member functions of one class friendly to another class? For making only B::test_friend() function a friend of class A, replace the line
friend class B;
in the declaration of the class A with the line
friend void B::test_friend();
The modified definition of the class A is

However, in order to compile this code successfully, the compiler should first see the definition of the class B. Otherwise, it does not know that test_friend( ) is a member function of the class B. This means that we should put the definition of class B before the definition of class A.
However, a pointer of type A * is a private data member of class B. So, the compiler should also know that there is a class A before it compiles the definition of class B. This problem of circular dependence is solved by forward declaration.
class A; //Declaration only! Not definition!!
before the definition of class B. Now, the declarations and definitions of the two classes appear as shown in Program 4.3.

Program 4.3 Forward declaring a class that requires a friend
A constructor in C++ is a special method
that is
automatically called when an object of a class is created.
To create a constructor, use the same name as the class, followed by
parentheses ()
Example Program:

- Constructor has same name as the class itself
- Constructors don't have return type
- A constructor is automatically called when an object is created.
- If we do not specify a constructor, C++ compiler generates a default constructor for us (expects no parameters and has an empty body).
5.2 Types of Constructors:
5.2.1 Default Constructors:
Default constructor is the constructor which doesn't take any argument. It
has no parameters.

Program 5.3 Program Illustrating Default Constructor
5.2.2 Parameterized Constructors:
It is possible to pass
arguments to constructors. Typically, these arguments help initialize an
object when it is created. To create a parameterized constructor, simply
add parameters to it the way you would to any other function. When you
define the constructor's body, use the parameters to initialize the object.

Program 5.4 Program Illustrating Parameterized Constructors
Uses of Parameterized constructor:
I. It is used to initialize the various data elements of different objects with different values when they are created.
II. It is used to overload constructors.
5.2.3 Copy Constructor
: A copy constructor is a member
function which initializes an object using another object of the same
Whenever we define one or more non-default constructors (with parameters) for a class, a default constructor (without parameters) should also be explicitly defined as the compiler will not provide a default constructor in this case. However, it is not necessary but it's considered to be the best practice to always define a default constructor.

Program 5.5: Program Illustrating Copy Constructor
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