[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
(Effective from the academic year 2017 - 2018)
Subject Code 17CS664
IA Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 3
Exam Marks 60
Important Questions - MODULE - 3
These Questions are being framed for helping the students in the "FINAL Exams" Only (Remember for Internals the Question Paper is set by your respective teachers). Questions may be repeated, just to show students how VTU can frame Questions.
Important Questions - MODULE - 3
1. What is a list? Explain the concept of list slicing and list traversing with example. (05 Marks) (Dec.2019/Jan.2020)
2. Explain the concept of comparing tuples. Describe the working of sort function with python code. (06 Marks) (Dec.2019/Jan.2020)
3. Write a python program to search for lines that start with 'F' followed by 2 characters, followed by 'm:'. (05 Marks) (Dec.2019/Jan.2020)
4. What is dictionary? How is it different from list? Write a python program to count occurrence of characters in a string and print the count. (06 Marks) (Dec.2019/Jan.2020)
5. With an example program, illustrate how to pass function arguments to list. (05 Marks) (Dec.2019/Jan.2020)
6. Write a python program to search lines that start with 'X' followed by any non-whitespace characters, followed by ':' ending with number. Display the sum of all these number. (05 Marks) (Dec.2019/Jan.2020)
7. What are the ways of traversing a list? Explain with an example for each. (04 Marks) (June/July.2019)
8. Differentiate Pop and Remove methods on lists. How to delete more than one element from a list. (06 Marks) (June/July.2019)
9. Write a Python program that accepts a sentences and build dictionary with LETTERS. DIGITS, UPPER CASE, LOWER CASE as key values and their count in the sentences as values. Ex: Sentence = "VTU@123.c-Learning" d= {"LETTERS": 12; "DIGITS" :3, "UPPER CASE": 4. "LOWER CASE" 8}. (06 Marks) (June/July.2019)
10. Compare and contrast lists and tuples. (04 Marks) (June/July.2019)
11. Write a program to check the validity of a password read by users. The following criteria should be used to check the validity. Password should have atleast
i. One lower case letter
ii. One digit
iii. One upper case letter
iv. One special character from [$#@!]_
v. Six character.
Your program should accept a Password and check the validity using above criteria and print "valid" or "invalid" as the case maybe. (08 Marks) (June/July.2019)
12. Demonstrate
I. how a dictionary items can be represented as a list of tuples.
II. How tuples can be used as keys in dictionaries? (04 Marks) (June/July.2019)
13. Describe any two list operations and list methods. Write a python program to accept 'n' numbers from user, find sum all even numbers and product of all odd numbers in entered list. (08 Marks) (Dec.2018/Jan.2019)
14. List merits of dictionary over list. Write a python program to accept USN and marks obtained, find maximum, minimum and students USN who have scored in the range 100-85, 85-75, 75-60 and below60 marks separately. (08 Marks) (Dec.2018/Jan.2019)
15. Compare and contrast tuples with lists. Explain the following operations in tuples
i. Sum of two tuples
ii. Slicing operators
iii. Compression of two tuples
iv. Assignments to variables. (08 Marks) (Dec.2018/Jan.2019)
16. Explain extracting data using regular expressions. Implement a python program to find for lines having '@' sign between characters in a read text file. (08 Marks) (Dec.2018/Jan.2019)
17. What are lists? Lists are mutable. Justify the statement with examples, (05 Marks) (June/July.2018)
18. How tuples are created in Python? Explain different ways of accessing and creating them. (05 Marks) (June/July.2018)
19. Write a Python program to read all the lines in a file accepted from the user and print all email addresses contained in it. Assume the email addresses contain only non-white space characters. (June/July.2018)
20. Implement a Python program using Lists to store and display the average of N integers accepted from the user. (05 Marks) (June/July.2018) (June/July.2018)
21. Explain dictionaries. Demonstrate with a Python program. (05 Marks) (June/July.2018)
22. Write a Python program to search for lines that start with the word 'From' and a character followed by a two digit number between. 60 and 99 followed by ':' Print the number if it is greater than zero. Assume any input file. (06 Marks) (June/July.2018)
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