[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
(Effective from the academic year 2017-2018)
This Page Provides Program & Output.
Program 12
Program 12
Write a program for congestion control using leaky bucket algorithm.
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Process to Execute the Program
Step 1: We need to have Java JDK installed, So That Java Programs can Run.
Step 2: Copy & Paste the Below Code of PRO12.java.
Step 3: or simple Download the Source Code.

Fig 12.1: Required Files .
Step 4: Open Command Prompt (cmd).
Step 5: Navigate to the PRO11.java File location.
Step 6: Use CD & DIR command on cmd to navigate.
Step 7: First Run the PRO11.java => javac PRO12.java
Step 8: => java PRO12

Fig 12.2: Demonstration of PRO12.java .
Step 9: Enter the Bucket Capacity
Step 10: Enter the Fixed Data Flow from Bucket
Step 11: Enter the Array size
Step 12: Enter the Input values for the Leaky Bucket
Step 13: Get the Output
T = Text book
QB = Question Bank
AS = Amswer Script